Gestern ist ein weiteres Firmware-Update für den Popcorn A-110 erschienen, welches den tollen Namen 01-17-090201-15-POP-403-000 trägt.

Die Releasenotes lassen folgendes verlauten:

  1. No NMT apps, still previous 00-17-090115-15-POP-403
  2. Some critical patches on 00-17-090125-15-POP-403
  3. Fixed Video_ts playback over SAMBA, with whitespace in share name, will crash.
  4. Turkish codepage fix.
  5. Remove “Audio /: ***” message at start of video playback (e.g. TS).
  6. PNG read failure cause crash.
  7. Fixed ISO with single subtitle track cannot be display
  8. Internet Radio link added in Web Services
  9. MP3 volume soft after ISO/IFO playback workaround
  10. Workaround DirecTV UPnP crash issue
  11. Image cache issue fixed