Klipper 0.11 menuconfig for the Ender 3 v2

Recently i had to recompile for the Creality* Ender 3v2 (not NEO!) a new Klipper firmware based off the Klipper  0.11. As per the instructions of the installation of Klipper you will have to flash the microcontroller as follows: 1 2 cd ~/klipper/ make menuconfig During “make menuconfig” select the following settings: Enable extra low-level configuration options Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) Processor model (STM32F103) Bootloader offset: (28KiB bootloader) Communication Interface: (Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)) Once you have compiled the firmware using make you can flash it by copying the file out/klipper....