BIGTREETECH EBB36 flash with Klipper shows File segment @0x08000000 error
While trying to flash the klipper firmware to an Bigtreetech EBB36, i ran into the following error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 23:29:04 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0: 23:29:04 : Not flash Memory : No erase done 23:29:04 : File segment @0x08000000 is not 255-bytes aligned. It will be aligned to @0x07FFFFF8 23:29:04 : Download in Progress: 23:29:05 : Error: failed to download Segment[0] 23:29:05 : Error: failed to download the File After fiddeling around a bit i finally stumbled across two solutions. ...