Home Assistant: Change file without core running

Recently i managed to change a file in the Home Assistant configuration and then i forgot about that change… a bit later i started the upgrade to the latest version of Home Assistant which doesn’t check if Home Assitant could be started with the current configuration … of course i had managed to break it and so home assistant “core” didn’t start. The solution was to logon either via SSH (if you have the addon installed and configured) or to have access to the console of the Home Assistant OS. Once you are logged on, follow these steps: ...

HP Officejet Pro 8620 Semi-Reset

Since a while my printer, HP Officejet Pro 8620, shows that some functions have been locked by the administrator (which i am) but unfortunately i wasn’t able to unlock these. So i went the reset route: Press the “Go Back” (looks like a twisted arrow) button 4-5 times in a row Press “Support Menu” Hit the “down” button to “Reset” Menu Hit the “down” button to “Semi-Full Reset” This will turn off the printer. Then turn it back on and start from scratch. ...

Synology: unzip - Command not found

Today i wanted to use the command unzip on my Synology NAS but it couldn’t be found. The solution was easy: Synology only delivers 7zip instead - which is indeed good since it is a bit more universal. So to unpack a zip-file, the command is: 1 7z x filename.zip

Raspberry PI CM4 Disable PCIe after brcm-pcie link down message

On my BIGTREETECH E3EZ i switched from the CB1 to the Raspberry PI CM4. Unfortunately on every boot the following message appeared: 1 brcm-pcie fd500000.pcie: link down The issue is the missing PCIe Port, hence you have to disable the feature to get rid of this message. Create the file disable-pcie-overlay.dts with the following command: 1 wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/SirUli/de94ddb751b91adfa6809f286a18a382/raw/af010907360153f74edc8f65d415d717378bf037/gistfile1.txt -O /tmp/disable-pcie-overlay.dts You must then convert the file using the following command: ...

Crowsnest: libcamera.so.0.0.4: cannot open shared object file

When i started up the latest crowsnest  using the camera-streamer option for the raspberry camera, i encountered the following error when running crowsnest in DEBUG mode: ...

BIGTREETECH CB1 on E3EZ calculation of gpio pin numbering

When i started using the BIGTREETECH CB1* on the BIGTREETECH E3EZ* i quickly got into the trouble of mapping all the pin descriptions to gpio numbers. Luckily i’m not alone and i found a solution here  . ...

BIGTREETECH CB1 Time incorrect and drifting

When i started using the BIGTREETECH CB1* i noticed that the system time was almost always wrong. Solution There are different solutions for this but the following one worked the best for me: First remove NTP: 1 sudo apt remove ntp and install the systemd-native timesync service: 1 sudo apt install systemd-timesyncd This should automatically install the service and start it. To make sure, you can check that systemd-timesyncd.service is active (running): ...

Orbiter 1.5 Extruder - Filament sensor

I’m an owner of a Orbiter 1.5 Extruder where there i discovered that an official filament sensor is available. Unfortunately it is a bit more tricky than with the Orbiter 2.0 Extruder. Originally i discovered the filament sensor on thingiverse  and already was about to hit the slicer when i saw in one of the comments that the files are not the latest ones. These actually can be found on the page of the author  - make sure to pick the latest files (currently version 2.2). ...

BIGTREETECH 40-Pin GPIO - CM4 to CB1 mapping

When i received the BIGTREETECH E3EZ* together with a CB1* i was wondering how the pinout / gpio on the board was setup. Unfortunately the picture in the User-Manual of the E3EZ was relatively blurry. GPIO stands for General-Purpose Input/Output. It refers to the pins on a microcontroller or single-board computer, like the Raspberry Pi, that can be programmed to serve as either inputs or outputs. These pins enable the device to interact with the external world by receiving or transmitting digital signals. Through software programming, developers can configure GPIO pins to read data from sensors (inputs) or send signals to actuators (outputs), facilitating versatile applications like the control of fans, lights or other 3D printing accessories. ...

Klipper: Force movement of a stepper motor

While setting up a new board on my 3D Printer, i had the requirement to run a move of a stepper without homing first. Initially i added the following directive to the printer.cfg of klipper: 1 2 [force_move] enable_force_move: True but that didn’t help until I manually set a kinematic position through the console: 1 SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION X=10 Y=10 Z=10 Which is as per documentation  perfectly correct. Nevertheless I wanted to move without any previous checks or settings. For this I then worked through the documentation  where it actually is described correctly: ...