ASRock DeskMini 310: Dead? No LED? No Noise? - Solution!
I own two AsRock DeskMini 310 as a solution for my internal virtualization Infrastructure. Both of them are very reliable but sometimes once they power off they do not turn back on. And since that happened yesterday again i remembered that i never blogged about that ;-) The first time this happened i was quite astonished. I had a power outage and after that, the DeskMini 310 didn’t turn back on. What i tried: ...
VMware ESXi 7 and Realtek NICs (e.g. RTL8125) won't work
Today i researched why my ESXi 7 based virtualization host didn’t accept my second, Realtek RTL8125 based, network adapter. Contrary to the primary one, which is Intel-based, there was not sign of detection in the hypervisor. Unfortunately i then found that - contrary to what i had in mind - VMware actually does not feature any Realtek drivers. Also the drivers that worked until ESXi6 will not work on ESXi 7 as the architecture for the drivers (vmklinux) has changed. ...
Home Assistant diskspace full but no idea where the data is
From time to time my Home Assistant Instance comes along and wants some love. This time it reported that the disk is full. I checked via the “Terminal & SSH” Addon and found that Home Assistant itself is only about 5Gb of the assigned disk. Where the hell is the data? After a while i remembered that Home Assistant runs as a Container inside a VM and hence the underlying host could be the relevant issue. So i went into the console via the Terminal & SSH Addon and poked around a little. After a while i found the command of the homeassistant supervisor to automatically repair docker issues: ...
Docker: failed to get stream processor for application/
During a docker buildx run i ran during the image import into the following error: 1 ERROR: failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to extract layer sha256:f877be71d5628e2b297798c066b860bd2c3542b96a80f69367ff0bdebcc06f9e: failed to get stream processor for application/ no processor for media-type: unknown Possible Solution: By default, BuildKit v0.11 and later adds provenance attestations to images you build. Set BUILDX_NO_DEFAULT_ATTESTATIONS=1 to disable the default provenance attestations. ...
Using Ollama with AMD RX 6700 (gfx1031) or other older cards on Windows
Ollama, the open-source platform for running powerful AI models locally on your hardware, is gaining traction for its ease of use and accessibility. While it primarily leverages NVIDIA GPUs through CUDA, the world of open-source extends beyond NVIDIA. Today, I’ll show you how to harness the power of an AMD RX 6700 GPU with ROCm to run Ollama, bringing powerful AI capabilities within reach of a wider range of users. ...
Home Assistant: ZHA OTA Updates
Recently i stumbled across the fact that my Sonoff TRVZB (Zigbee Thermostat available via Amazon* ) had the old firmware and i had no update offering in my Home Assistant Instances. Since i’m running ZHA i started investigating why. First of all, i believe it is interesting to see that ZHA is based on zigpy which implements all the ZigBee features in a handy python library. So whenever something cannot be found or is unclear in the ZHA help pages, a look into the repo of zigpy might help. ...
ESPHome 'ota' requires a 'platform' key but it was not specified.
With the update to ESPHome greater 2024.06, some of my devices couldn’t be updated as they showed the following error: 1 'ota' requires a 'platform' key but it was not specified. The solution was to edit the config file where i originally had a section like this: 1 2 ota: password: !secret esphome_ota_password Which, since the merge of a specific PR into 2024.06 has to look like that (also described here ): ...
BIGTREETECH Relay 1.2: Change Timeout and enable turning on by pin
For some applications (like when you want to connect the BIGTREETECH E3EZ* ) you might want to increase the timeout for the shutdown of the BIGTREETECH Relay 1.2* . Especially in the case of the E3EZ the issue is that the power of the PSU is also the power for the Onboard CPU (e.g. CB1* or CM4). So when this power cuts too fast, the PSU would be switched off before the CPU has shutdown. Lastly you might want to be able to start the relay through the pins (and not just shut it down) instead of resetting the device. ...
ESPHome: failed to execute 'open' on 'serialport': failed to open serial port.
Recently i wanted to flash another Wemos D1 Mini but actually had no chance to do it from my Windows 10 PC. Symptom: 1 failed to execute 'open' on 'serialport': failed to open serial port. Solution 1: Downgrade the Driver of the Serial Port to an older one as described here . Solution 2: Change the Baud-Rate of the Serial Port via the Device Manager. Right click on the USB serial port > Properties > Port setting > change the bits per second from 9600 to 115200. ...
Change external url of gitlab
Recently i had moved my gitlab instance to another domain in my private network. With that unfortunately some of the functionality (e.g. git-lfs) didn’t work properly as it was still announcing the old url. The solution was found here : ...